Over the years Poligram has developed solutions for different specialist areas.
Details of these projects can be found below.
Beyond these we have also developed the following projects:
- Anlagen Richtlinien Wizard (ARW) – a tool for web based calculation and entry of all savings processes for fund products (InvG and others) via a connection assistant, accessing relevant proofing tools and other data delivery systems,
- Checking of contractual transactions against bank account statements,
- Realisation of the complete order routing between fund managers, partner brokers and clearing centres – display of clear overview of all routing-relevant information through the order routing web portal – SWIFT / FIX-compatible,
- Connection of the Allocare AMS Portfolio solution with the Credit Swiss PSN Feed – automatic processing of Securities Markets, Corporate Actions and Money Markets (Swift MT5xx, MT3xx and MT9xx) as well as other data.